Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials is Successful in Carbon Footprint Reduction, While Attaining RC14001:2015® Certification

Reading, PA – Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials Inc., the leading global manufacturer and recycler of high-performance thermoplastic shapes, and engineering solutions provider, is pleased to announce that they’ve taken another positive step forward in achieving their long-term vision in North America, of 100% renewable energy procurement. Most recently, the company’s three Pennsylvania sites located in Reading, Scranton and Delmont, are the first of their locations in North America to make an investment in Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). As a result, all Pennsylvania locations can now proudly say that 100% of the electricity that they use in manufacturing is from renewable sources, reducing the emissions associated with the generation of that electricity to zero. 

Bruce Seidel, North American Director of Manufacturing at Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials, says that “This accomplishment is a fantastic stepping stone for us, as we continue to realize our vision of fully operating through clean energy in North America. Our commitment to our KAITEKI values is what drives us to continue to focus our efforts on energy reduction projects, and this monumental achievement at our Pennsylvania locations is a great testament to all of the hard work that our team has invested into making this a huge success.” 

In addition to this announcement, the company is also celebrating another significant milestone. Effective September 1, 2020, five of their North American sites in Reading, Scranton, Delmont, Wytheville, and Fort Wayne, have attained the Responsible Care® RC14001:2015® Certification, which also includes ISO 14001:2015 Certification. Responsible Care® 14001 is the chemical industry’s global initiative, practiced in 52 countries, under which chemical companies work together to continuously improve their health, safety, environmental, and security performance. It combines the elements of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) Responsible Care initiative, with those of ISO 14001, the internationally recognized environmental management system standard. 

Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials is the first of several Mitsubishi Chemical America (MCA) companies to be certified. Heidi Freeman, MCA Regional Manager for Product Stewardship and KAITEKI, stated that “This has certainly given all of us a boost of confidence, as multiple other group companies look ahead towards achieving their certification within the next few months.” 


KAITEKI refers to “the sustainable well-being of people, society and our planet Earth.” It is an original concept of Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Group that proposes a way forward in the sustainable development of society and the planet, in addition to serving as a guide for solving environmental and social issues.

James Kohler, Corporate Quality Engineer and North American KAITEKI Coordinator at Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials, says that “Our contributions to KAITEKI take shape in many different forms. I am proud of our North American teams for coming together, to realize KAITEKI through our shift towards 100% Renewable Energy Procurement in Pennsylvania, and through our RC14001:2015® and ISO 14001:2015 Certifications. This is only the beginning, and I am very excited to see what we can keep accomplishing and improving in the near, and far future.” 

Overall, the company is pleased to see that their long-term visions for success are now coming to fruition, as they continue to focus their attention on vital energy reduction programs, and embodying the strategic pillars that come with their Responsible Care® RC14001:2015® Certification. Looking ahead, as the team continues 

to make investments in sustainable projects, one thing is for certain – the spirit of KAITEKI is alive and well at Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials. 

About Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials 

With more than 80 years of experience, 30 branch offices in 20 countries, and a team of technical service experts, engineers, and application development managers, Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials** is the Global, vertically integrated leader for researching, developing, recycling, and manufacturing high-performance materials. Our products make the world a safer place by providing solutions across all industries- food processing and packaging, aerospace and defense, semiconductor, oil and gas, medical and life sciences, renewable energy, construction and heavy equipment, and electronics. 

Registered trademarks of Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials include: Acetron®, CleanStat®, Duratron®, Ertalyte®, Ertalene®, Ertalon®, Fluorosint®, Ketron®, Nylatron®, Proteus®, Sanalite®, Semitron®, Techtron®, KyronMAX® and TIVAR®. 

**Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials, formerly Quadrant EPP, was officially named on April 1st, 2019. 

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